
   I want to contribute with FreeBSD.

   I have installed STABLE on one disk, I use STABLE to work,
but I want to install CURRENT to begin with small contributions 
with code.

   How can I install CURRENT from my STABLE installation, I mean 
work on FreeBSD using the STABLE install and test the CURRENT 
install on a diferent partition. Can I do that?

   I've tried to get working CURRENT, but I get compile errors.
On STABLE I have gcc 4.2 to compile CURRENT and a shell script
that does the next job:
export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX="/work/FreeBSD/obj"
export PREFIX="/work/FreeBSD"
export CC="/usr/local/bin/gcc42"
export CXX="/usr/local/bin/g++42"
export DESTDIR="/work/FreeBSD/build"
export TARGET="i386"
make $*

    I'm right?, or I need to know something more? 


Best Regards,
 .O. | Daniel Molina Wegener   | C/C++ Developer
 ..O | dmw [at] unete [dot] cl | FOSS Coding Adict
 OOO | BSD & Linux User        | Standards Rocks!

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