
I've updated over the weekend my laptop from 6.0-REL to 6.2-REL,
nothing has chaged in the hardware and the DVD drive was and is:

May 29 07:34:26 rebelion kernel: acd0: DVDR <MATSHITAUJ-841Db/1.00> at 
ata0-master UDMA33

In 6.0-REL I was used to use 'burncd' to bring ISO images to
CD and this worked fine and fast.

In 6.2-REL I now get the error:

# burncd -f /dev/acd0 -s max data cdimage.raw fixate
next writeable LBA 0
writing from file cdimage.raw size 517992 KB
written this track 517992 KB (100%) total 517992 KB
fixating CD, please wait..
burncd: ioctl(CDRIOCFIXATE): Input/output error

and also a second 'fixate' fails with:

# burncd -f /dev/acd0  fixate
fixating CD, please wait..
burncd: ioctl(CDRIOCFIXATE): Input/output error

A re-read of the burned CD fails as well (even if the CD is

# dd if=/dev/acd0 of=cdimage.iso bs=2048
dd: /dev/acd0: Input/output error
258996+0 records in
258996+0 records out
530423808 bytes transferred in 280.964918 secs (1887865 bytes/sec)

but the re-read file is binary identical to the ISO image burned:

# diff cdimage.raw cdimage.iso
# ls -l cdimage.*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  530423808 29 may 11:19 cdimage.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  530423808 28 may 08:57 cdimage.raw

I've grabbed the source of 'burncd' from FreeBSD's CVS and there
is no change in src/usr.sbin/burncd/burncd.c (the revision in
both cases is 1.45);

So, what now? Thx


Matthias Apitz
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