On Monday 28 May 2007, Tom Grove wrote:
> Has anyone tried installing and using any of the above after 7.2
> was committed?  I tried all weekend and just get poor results.  In
> XFCE and Gnome performance is unusably slow.  I have a dual-core
> cpu with 1GB of memory and a 256MB NVidia video card.  It certainly
> shouldn't be slow because of hardware.  I just can't find much
> documentation because the 7.2 port is so new.  Any help is much
> appreciated.  Thanks.
Yes, I'm running CURRENT on a PIII 1.2 GHz laptop with Xorg 7.2, 
Beryl, with an NVIDIA Geforce2 Go 32MB with Xfce.
There is an outstanding bug in the NVIDIA UNIX drivers:

I just installed Xorg 7.2, Beryl, then the NVIDIA driver.  My .xinitrc 
looks like:
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session xfce4-panel

Anish Mistry
AM Productions http://am-productions.biz/

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