On 19:21 Tue 29 May     , Christopher Hilton wrote:
> Not sure if you have tried this but the first thing that I try when 
> dealing with NFS is using tcp mounts rather than udp. Most of the black 
> magic of NFS tuning seems to center around compensating for lost udp 
> fragments on the network. I discovered TCP mounts when I was attempting 

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your input here, I will test with TCP rather than UDP. I
think I already investigated this route, but it may be worth another

Is there any way that you know of to detail information about the NFS
mount on a client box? For example, using `mount' in Linux will show all
the options with which filesystems (NFS and otherwise) are mounted, but
`mount' in FreeBSD does not display these options.

Specifically, I want to know what version of NFS the connection is
running over, whether or not it's using TCP or UDP, and other
information of that nature. I haven't quite found a utility or file that
contains this information yet.


Devin Heckman
System Administrator
RSSP-IT-NI, UC Berkeley

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