On 25 Jan Chris Phillips wrote:
> From: "dick hoogendijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > However, I don't get how your ISP can block *outgoing* connects of
> > your sendmail. Some isp's block incoming connects on 25.
> *** FYI ***
> FreeServe, Energis & Demon are doing just this.
> I am informed that this kind of action is due to AOL getting uppety
> with Demon & forcing them to restrict their network simliarly, due to
> AOL customers being SPAMMED by mail that appears to originate from
> Demon Networks...
> BT is doing similar to their dynamic IP customers...
> Thought this might interest a few of you ;-)

Doesn't sound good. It sucks.
Thought things were bad in Holland, but here some isp's only block
incoming #25 (and that is easely beaten ;-))
And even that give quite a stirr.. and very few therefor do so.

dick -- http://www.nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
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