I'm trying to get XORG setup on my acer laptop with 6.2 release. Things are fine except I cannot get the trackpad to work; x starts, but the mouse is frozen. I have had pcbsd on the same machine and the mouse worked there, but not as a trackpad.

Any help appreciated


(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Synaptics_Touchpad: Core Pointer
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Synaptics_Touchpad" (type: MOUSE)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard0" (type: KEYBOARD)
Synaptics DeviceInit called
SynapticsCtrl called.
Synaptics DeviceOn called
(--) Synaptics_Touchpad synaptics touchpad found
(--)  Synaptics Touchpad, model: 0
(--)  Firmware: 6.2
(--)  Sensor: 18
(--)  new absolute packet format
(--)  Touchpad has extended capability bits
(--)  -> multifinger detection
(--)  -> palm detection
(WW) fcntl(8, O_ASYNC): Inappropriate ioctl for device
Synaptics DeviceOff called

the corrsponding sections in the xorg.conf are
Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice    "Synaptics_Touchpad"    "CorePointer"
Section "Module"
    Load  "synaptics"
Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier    "Synaptics_Touchpad"
    Driver        "synaptics"

    Option        "Device"        "/dev/psm0"
    Option        "Protocol"        "psm"

    Option        "LeftEdge"        "1700"
    Option        "RightEdge"        "5300"
    Option        "TopEdge"        "1700"
    Option        "BottomEdge"        "4200"

    Option        "FingerLow"        "25"
    Option        "FingerHigh"        "30"

    Option        "MaxTapTime"        "180"
    Option        "MaxTapMove"        "220"

    Option        "VertScrollDelta"    "100"
    Option        "HorizScrollDelta"    "100"

    Option        "MinSpeed"        "0.06"
    Option        "MaxSpeed"        "0.06"
    Option        "AccelFactor"        "0.0010"

    Option        "ScrollButtonRepeat"    "100"
    Option        "UpDownScrolling"    "on"
    Option        "UpDownRepeat"        "on"
    Option        "LeftRightScrolling"    "on"
    Option        "LeftRightRepeat"    "on"

    # "SHMConfig on" seems good works with synclient(1).  But this
    # options is insecure.  I recommended "off" as default.
    Option        "SHMConfig"        "off"

    # If you use circular touchpad, uncomment them.
#    Option        "CircularPad"        "on"
#    Option        "CircularScrolling"    "on"
#    Option        "CircScrollDelta"    "0.5"

and certainly

dmesg | grep Synaptics
psm0: model Synaptics Touchpad, device ID 0

as /boot/loader.conf has hw.psm.synaptics_support="1"
Robin Becker
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