On Tuesday June 05, 2007 at 07:22:15 (PM) Gerard wrote:

> On Tuesday June 05, 2007 at 06:46:27 (PM) Paul Schmehl wrote:
> {snip}
> > Install the xorg metaport: /usr/ports/x11/xorg/
> Strange, I had the Xorg-6.9 meta port installed when I did the
> original update. Oh well, I will try your suggest. Thanks!

OK, I installed the /x11/xorg port. There were only 5 files that
needed updating, but nothing new installed. After installing the port,
I again tried running 'startx' and received the same error message I
was receiving before. I am unable to locate a 'pcidata' file on my
system, although there is a reference to something similar:


I am at a loose here. I have tried Googling; however, I have not come
up with a definitive answer.

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