On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 01:21:56PM -0400, Mike Jeays wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 June 2007 12:57, Oscar Chavarria wrote:
> > I want to copy files to it. I introduced the key and was recognized as da0.
> >
> > I did ls dev/da0 ==> dev/da0
> >
> > Then
> >
> > mount /dev/da0 /home ==> incorrect super block.
> >
> > Thank you in advance for any help.
> If it is a DOS-format device, you need to say
> mount -t mdsos /dev/da0 /mnt
> or maybe
> mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt

In my /etc/sysctl.conf file I have the following:

# user mounts devices

In my /usr/local/etc/sudoers file I have the following:

# Defaults specification
Defaults env_reset
Defaults timestamp_timeout=0
Defaults tty_tickets
Defaults requiretty
Defaults passwd_timeout=1

# User privilege specification
alex  ALL=/sbin/umount,\

I have added user alex to the wheel group

To mount the device as regular user (alex), I created a sub-directory in
my home directory.  

In this example, my home directory is   alex    and the 
sub-directory is     mnt_drive

Execute the following to mount the drive...considering that /dev/da0 is 
the drive to mount.

sudo mount_msdosfs /dev/da0 /usr/home/alex/mnt_drive

Execute the following to un-mount the drive

sudo umount /usr/home/alex/mnt_drive

Hope it helps...

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