On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 12:56:39 +0000
"dhaneshk k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have done a portupgrade of xorg in my freebsd6.1 box
> this box was working fine with gnome2.18 for the last 3 months ,but now for 
> building OpenOffice in this box ,its needed to do a portupgrade of xorg , so 
> I followed as per /usr/ports/UPDATING ,
> but doing this a power   failure occurs and system restarted before its 
> completion while doing  portupgrade -a -x 'gstreamer*',
> but after restart  I cant get the desktop its showing
> gdm_server_spawn:xserver not found
> just now it happened , how can I retrive my Desktop environment ?

can you figure out what packagages (if any) are missing?

can you reinstall them from packages?

You may  just go ahead and finish the whole upgrade process in text mode. I'm 
sure someone else will have a cleverer way to solve this :)

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

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