> I've got my FreeBSD system setup with KDE and sound. I have 2 questions:
> 1. I got sound to work simply by doing "kldload snd" but then I did
> kldstat and saw that all available sound modules had been loaded. I
> thought that was unnecessary - is there any way (besides inserting
> each module one at a time) that I can determine which exact module is
> providing the driver for my sound card?

Try typing 'dmesg | grep pcm0' and see what shows up. You should then be
able to narrow it down. Do note that some are common between (almost?) all
cards, such as snd_pcm.ko.

> 2. I can play a music CD just fine as root, using cdcontrol, as described
> in the handbook. But under KDE, running as a non-root user, I cannot
> play music CDs. I looked at the permissions on /dev/acd0c, and they are
> 0640, root.operator, so an ordinary user cannot read the CD. I changed
> the permissions to 0644, and I could play the CD. However, there must
> be a good reason for the permisisons to be 0640, and I don't want to
> mess up the permissions just to get the CD player to work. What is the
> "official" way to get this to work? The handbook didn't mention it.

That's probably the best way to do it, believe it or not. To have it work on
bootup in 5.X, try editing /etc/rc.devfs (I think), or in 4.X try editing
/etc/rc.local to say "chmod 644 /dev/acd0c" (I think). It may not require
anything after doing it once in 4.X.


P.S. Sorry if this is out to lunch.

> --
> Anand Buddhdev
> http://anand.org
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