Hi list :)

Installed BSD 6.2 a few days ago and am totally new to it all.  I installed 
KDE 3.5 and it was working nicely until it just....stopped.

No obvious crash - it just froze.  Had to reboot the system with the reset 
button as no other method was working.

So I thought  it might be my sound <since it wasn't configured> and I had read 
a few things that said that sometimes caused KDE to crash.  Also disabled a 
few buggy plugins and what not and still it keeps on freezing on me.

The annoying thing is its totally random - It could be running for several 
hours before it freezes; and sometimes it freezes the moment I log on.  Its 
frozen at last count 7 times today and I ended up having to do a some random 
hardrive check as boot up was starting to fail and logging me in as single 
mode user only.

Anyway - to get to the point; is there a log somewhere that I can check out in 
console mode <which incidently never crashes> that might help me pinpoint the 

Thanks in advance,
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