Jack Barnett wrote:
[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
Jack Barnett wrote:
Jack Barnett wrote:
Eric Crist wrote:
On Jun 20, 2007, at 8:56 PMJun 20, 2007, Jack Barnett wrote:

Ivan Carey wrote:
      I don't have libphp5.so anywhere in /usr/local (did a find for
the php5 port is broken? Or do I have to reinstall apache after php5?

You need to enable build of the php5 apache extension when you build
the port - it's not enabled by default.


Eric Crist

do you know how to do that off hand? :) :)

disregarding... rebuilding now, I edited the Makefile


Just for the record:
# cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
# make config
Select the APACHE option.
# make build deinstall reinstall clean

Yea, for some reason it's not giving me that menu... to configure it.

Most ports used to have any option... to configure stuff... in that nice text based interface.

I got BATCH=YES in make.conf so that's probably why!

Anyways, I manually edited the Makefile and recompiled. That is WORKING :)

Manually fooling around with that file will probably bust something up down the road if I have to reinstall, but for now I'm happy. It's all working.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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When I want a system with Apache PHP and MySQL.
I install them in the following order.

1. Install Apache
2. Install PHP via /usr/lang/php5-extensions (select the extensions you want, this will install php5 and add the required lines to the httpd.conf)
3. Install MySQL

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