ok, i had a working bsd system.

i shut it down, and removed a drive from it to use in another computer

i turn it on and i get mounting errors, nothing unsual, can't find drives

from the manualroot prompt i put in the path to the root partition to the drive that is still in the machine

i boot to single user mode

im now trying to edit my fstab so i can boot normally (the drive numbers moved from ad1 to ad0 because i removed a hardrive)

i can see all the files, i mounted my /usr partition, but for some reason i can't remount the / parition to edit the fstab. when i enter the command mount -o rw / i get operation not permitted. i tried mount -o rw /dev/ad1s1 / and mount -o rw /dev/ad0s1 /and got the same thing. ive used this in the past and it works, i don't know why its not working now. any ideas?

bsd 6.2 if it matters

when i do mount
/dev/ad1s1 on / (ufs, local, read-only)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad1s1f on /usr/ (ufs, local, soft-updates)


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