Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez wrote:
 > Hi Folks.
 > I am FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE user. i'm learning FreeBSD.
 > Some times, i see people have a system named 6.2-RELEASE-pxx, where
 > xx is a number. I know that -pxx are security patches, or not only
 > security and too are patches for solve bugs?.
 > My dude is: is very convenient have upgraded the kernel to this
 > patches. I'm a home user, not a bussiness. Nothing "important"
 > depend on my system.
 > My second dude is: how is the "upgrade" process?, are there this patch
 > files in any concrete web site and the user must download it and apply?,
 > are there any "automatized" mechanism for get it?.
 > One last question, what is the number of the last patch applied?.
 > Thanks you very much, in advance.
 > Regards.
 > Jose.

There is  a program called freebsd-update. It is part of the main
system, you already have it.
Patching the system is usually as easy as this:
(as root):
freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
Recompiling the kernel is an easy, straightforward and well documented
process (unless you csup'd your system to STABLE, which you haven't

Since, as you say, nothing important depends on your system, you should
experiment and learn from it!
The current patch level is p5


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