On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 12:22:51PM +0100, dgmm wrote:
> Are there any "gotchas" I should look out for when purchasing a dual head 
> video card?
> I'm currently looking for a cheap NVidia card with both analogue and digital 
> output to use my old 21" CRT and the new 19" LCD but, as usual, there's very 
> little info other than for Windows in the write ups/reviews.
> I've never used dual head before so I'm concerned that some cards might share 
> resources to the extent that they are windows only .  Maybe I'm seeing 
> potential problems that aren't there?
> Budget is tight so I don't want to screw up the purchase.  "Cheap" is word 
> I'm 
> looking for :-)
> -- 
> Dave

Nvidia's DualHead works nice, but only with binary Nvidia drivers (which
are i386 only). There's some preliminary support for DualHead in xorg's
opensource nv driver (starting with version 2.1.0, AFAIK), so it can be
used with FreeBSD/amd64, but it doesn't play nice with Xinerama yet.
Check Nvidia's documentation and release notes for drivers for more


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