Hello All,

I do have problem when I tried to access the file kernel file GENEREIC
I did as follows but following error cames so could please any body
answer me waht is exactly the problem

ns2# /cdrom/5.5-RELEASE/src/install.sh all

Extracting sources into /usr/src...
 Extracting source component: base
cat: sbase.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: bin
cat: sbin.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: contrib
cat: scontrib.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: crypto
cat: scrypto.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: etc
cat: setc.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: games
cat: sgames.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: gnu
cat: sgnu.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: include
cat: sinclude.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: krb5
cat: skrb5.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: lib
cat: slib.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: libexec
cat: slibexec.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: release
cat: srelease.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: rescue
cat: srescue.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: sbin
cat: ssbin.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: secure
cat: ssecure.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: share
cat: sshare.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: sys
cat: ssys.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: tools
cat: stools.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: ubin
cat: subin.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
 Extracting source component: usbin
cat: susbin.??: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format
Done extracting sources.
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