Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:

I currently have mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.27. I can see that the most
current ports version is 5.0.45. So I tried to portupgrade and it tells me:

--->  Session started at: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:17:39 +0200
** No need to upgrade 'mysql-server-5.0.45' (>= mysql-server-5.0.45).
(specify -f to force)
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 1: 0 done, 1 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
--->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        - databases/mysql50-server (mysql-server-5.0.45)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 1 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
--->  Session ended at: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:17:44 +0200 (consumed 00:00:04)

I know I can use -f to upgrade but why would it say that there is no need
to upgrade when the versions differ so much?

Thank you in advance!

According to your portupgrade messages, you ALREADY have mysql 5.0.45. Are you quite sure about the installed version? It might be an error of portupgrade or something wrong with your package database, but I surely haven't seen it before. Why don't you just confirm your installed version with something like:

pkg_info | grep -i mysql-server

In my system this actually shows 5.0.45, and I started with 5.0.2x something. I didn't even realise when it was upraded.
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