I am setting up a new installation of apsfilter to a network printer.
There a re the install options I have set during apsfilter setup.

        (D)     Available Device Drivers in your gs binary
        (R)     Read Ghostscript driver documentation        (devices.txt)

        (1)     Printer Driver Selection                [ljet4]
        (2)     Interface Setup                         [samba]
        (3)     Paper Format                            [letter]
        (4)     Printing Quality                        [high]
        (5)     Color Mode                              [gray]
        (6)     Print Resolution in "dots per inch"     [600x600]
        (7)     Default Printing Method                 [auto]

I go to print a test page, and it's successful;

Printing Test page using:
gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER                 -dSAFER -r600x600 
-sDEVICE=ljet4 -sPAPERSIZE=letter               
-sOutputFile='/tmp/apsfilter88754/test_page.aps' setup/test.ps

Ok to print testpage? [y/n] y

I creates and entry in /etc/printcap;


But it will not print with the command

ls | lp


ls | lpr


lp -dlp

I installed samba without CUPS printing support.

# lpc stat all
        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        no entries in spool area
        printer idle

Any ideas how I can bridge from a working test to a non-working 
print setup?
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