On 08/08/2007, Janos Dohanics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/8/2007, "Chuck Swiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Aug 8, 2007, at 9:21 AM, Janos Dohanics wrote:
> >> du is acting strange on my system:
> >>
> >> # du /usr/X11R6
> >> 4       /usr/X11R6/share/locale
> >> 8       /usr/X11R6/share
> >> 12      /usr/X11R6
> >>
> >> # du -h /usr/X11R6
> >> 2.0K    /usr/X11R6/share/locale
> >> 4.0K    /usr/X11R6/share
> >> 6.0K    /usr/X11R6
> >>
> >> # du -k /usr/X11R6
> >> 2       /usr/X11R6/share/locale
> >> 4       /usr/X11R6/share
> >> 6       /usr/X11R6
> >>
> >> This seems to be happening only after I have sudo'd myself. du reports
> >> consistent numbers if I run it as myself or if I su first.
> >>
> >> This is a  FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE system with snapshots enabled.
> >>
> >> Any ideas?
> >
> >Presumably the accounts which have consistent results have something
> >like:
> >
> >     setenv  BLOCKSIZE K
> >
> >...or:
> >
> >     export BLOCKSIZE=K
> >
> >...configured in their shell.
> >
> >--
> >-Chuck
> Well, this is all I have in .bash_profile:
> $ cat .bash_profile
> PS1="[EMAIL PROTECTED] \w]\\$ "
> export EDITOR=vim
> The issue is that du reports twice as much disk usage as du -h or du -k,
> and I have no clue why...

Chuck is right:  the "twice as much" is du
reporting in the default 512 byte blocks.
You probably have the BLOCKSIZE=K set
in either ~/.profile or /etc/profile.

If you recently upgraded sudo, you should
take note that env_reset is now the default.
You can return to the old behaviour by adding
a line like:
Defaults !env_reset
to your sudoers file.  It might be more secure
to not do this with a Defaults line, though.

man 5 sudoers for more information.

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