On Thu, 09 Aug 2007 13:57:46 -0600
Miguel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, i have installed postfix + sasl2 support, so far so good but now
> i want to enable mysql auth and sasl2 was not compiled with mysql
> support, i tried desinstalling it but it claims postfix depends on
> it, so how do i add mysql support to the installed sasl2 port?
> Im using portinstall btw,
> thanks


First change sasl options, then forcefully recompile it with depending
ports. Asuming you've chosen SASL2 option for Postfix:

  # cd /usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl2
  # make config
        [choose MYSQL option]
  # portupgrade -f -r cyrus-sasl2

Nikola Lečić
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