Op vrijdag 10 augustus 2007, schreef Nikos Vassiliadis:


Some more info:

> But, if a router in the path
> is filtering all ICMP traffic then the problem will remain.

No most probably not. I live a few 100m from the office, having the same type 
of internet connection and the same provider. The traceroute from the client 
to office/my house is identical until the last but one hop. And I just 
succeeded to dump it to my own computer (running Gentoo Linux, I think the 
same modem, and a pretty default router in between).

So either the cable modem or the server (running IPF) at the office is the 
culprit then.

Kind regards,

Bram Schoenmakers

What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
(Punch, 1855)
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