Danny Pansters wrote:

Hope I did. It's not all that hard to give a to-the-point and honest answer.

Now here's some food for thought for all the "advocates" who found it necessary to answer:

It's apparently harder to shut your fat fucking face if you don't have anything useful to contribute.

With the notable exceptions of Paul Schmehl, Mario Lobo and a few others, the majority of snide answers here are nothing short of disgraceful. Great way to chase folks away. It's immaterial if its flamebait or not. I for one *am* doing my best to make the FreeBSD desktop nicer and more "idiot-proof" (KDE in my case) and then to read juvenile remarks about

So, telling people to fuck off, just because they have another opinion is what? Mature?

how the console is the best thing since sliced bread and other stupid things, well, you know what? It's *you* who are gladly invited to fuck off and move on to something more esoteric if that's what makes you feel important as far as I'm concerned. Gentoo perhaps.

Meanwhile, just let the people who *do* matter do their work and don't leave the impression that you are spokespersons for us.

I'm not a spokesperson of FreeBSD but I can assure you that the folks who actually do stuff do care about the desktop and you're disgracing and discreding our work.


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Guis are excellent for graphic tasks; image manipulation, CAD, presentations and such. And in this crowd, I might be considered an anarchist, since I prefer GUI file managers because they can give an overview of the entire directory tree. But I do fail to see the advantage of having a graphical control panel, in which you have to browse through an extensive hierarchy of categories and subcategories just to change your default printer from lpt0 to ulpt0; I'd say that that's what makes people believe that configuring a computer to your own preferences is something that requires a bachelor degree in computer science. And I do fail to see what good comes from loads of silly animations every time you click something; they just consume resources and draw the attention away from the task at hand. Desktop environments are here to stay, I'll grant you that, but they've gone too far: a GUI should help ease the work, but most desktop environments of today (KDE and Gnome, and Windoze for that matter, especially) do the opposite, by directing the attention to all the whistles and bells.



Rolf Nielsen

Please note, that I'm not telling you to fuck off, I'm just presenting my point of view.
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