-----Original Message-----
From: B. Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 août 2007 13:54
To: Ian Lord
Subject: Re: Urgent help needed please: pecl-memcache problem after upgrade
of php

Have you tried rebuilding the port?

memcache to reflect your current version of php?

Thats usually what I need to do.

cd /usr/ports/www/memcache (or whatever it is..)

make clean && make && make deinstall && make install && sync

then try a php -v or php-cgi -v and see what happens.

Ian Lord wrote, On 8/13/07 10:49 AM:
> Hi,
> I just did a portupgrade -a and now memcache doesn't work anymore in php.
> Here are the version portupgrade installed:
> pecl-memcache-2.1.2
> memcached-1.2.2
> php5-5.2.3_1
> In php/error.log I can see this error message
> [13-Aug-2007 10:38:20] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic
> library '/usr/local/lib/php/20060613/memcache.so' -
> /usr/local/lib/php/20060613/memcache.so: Undefined symbol
> "php_session_create_id" in Unknown on line 0
> Can anyone help please
> If not able to fix (might be a problem with the port, what is the easiest
> way to go back to previous version)
> Thanks
> p.s. Please reply to me directly as I am only registered on the digest
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B. Cook
Network Analyst
Poughkeepsie City School District
Mobile: 845.264.5827 | Desk: 845.451.4791
Thanks for your help...

The problem was not with the memcache port but with the pecl-memcache

Doing as you suggested, fixed the problem make clean, followed by a make
deinstall and make install

Before sending the message I already tried a make deinstall / make reinstall
and it didn’t work.

Any idea why
1- Portupgrade broke the thing ?
2- a make clean/make deinstall/make install is better than a make
deinstall/make reinstall ?


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