On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Jason Morgan wrote:

> I got a strange error from my server this morning - root partition full.
> I then looked at my email and had this in my inbox (of course I get
> this every day):
> Disk status:
> Filesystem        1K-blocks    Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a          516062  505036   -30258   106%    /
> /dev/ad2s1a          516062  117638   357140    25%    /rootbackup
> procfs                    4       4        0   100%    /proc
> /dev/vinum/usr     19850256 1112316 17149920     6%    /usr
> /dev/vinum/var     23579203    9623 21683244     0%    /var
> /dev/vinum/public  29776085     116 27393883     0%    /public
> This was yesterday:
> Disk status:
> Filesystem        1K-blocks    Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a          516062  135492   339286    29%    /
> /dev/ad2s1a          516062  117638   357140    25%    /rootbackup
> procfs                    4       4        0   100%    /proc
> /dev/vinum/usr     19850256 1108980 17153256     6%    /usr
> /dev/vinum/var     23579203    9323 21683544     0%    /var
> /dev/vinum/public  29776085     116 27393883     0%    /public
> How do I determine what's going on? This is really strange.

You can use `du` to find out which directories in the / partition are
using the diskspace. Specifically, /etc, /root, /bin, /sbin, and /tmp are
worth checking.

Have you done anything as root in the last day or two? Specifically,
installing Perl modules creates temp directories and a lot of temporary
files used to build the modules, and has been the source of this kind of
problem for other people for quite some time.

- Jeff Jirsa

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