On Friday 31 August 2007 15:10:15 Norberto Meijome wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13:33:53 +0200
> Daniel Hartmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 08:27:29PM +1000, Norberto Meijome wrote:
> > > rdr on $int_if proto tcp from to any -> port
> > > 10101 netsed tcp 10101 0 0 s/FOO/BAR
> > >
> > > The traffic from XP gets redirected just fine to netsed, which replaces
> > > the bytes just fine. BUT the changed packets (the output of netsed) get
> > > reinjected somewhere so that the rdr hits them again, sending them back
> > > to netsed ad infinitum. ( yes, i managed to hit a load of 700+ without
> > > anything ever leaving BSD ...quite cool)
> >
> > I'm pretty sure the endless loop you describe does not pass through pf,
> > except for the first iteration. In the first iteration, pf replaces the
> > destination address with, and the packet goes to netsed.
> > netsed changes the payload, but leaves the destination address
> > ( now). It sends the packet out, and since the destination
> > address is, it sends it to itself. Hence the loop, which does
> > not involve pf any further (i.e. there's no 'redirecting again' or such,
> > AFAICT).
> I was just reaching the same conclusion after some strong coffee
> netsed's output is (part ) :
> ---
> Script started on Fri Aug 31 07:52:12 2007
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/home/luser]# netsed tcp 10101 0 0  s/FOO/BAR
> netsed 0.01b by Michal Zalewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [*] Parsing rule s/FOO/BAR ...
> [+] Loaded 1 rules...
> [+] Listening on port 10101/tcp.
> [+] Using dynamic (transparent proxy) forwarding.
> [+] Got incoming connection from to
> [*] Forwarding connection to
> [+] Got incoming connection from to
> [*] Forwarding connection to
> [+] Caught client -> server packet.

I think you need to figure out what this 'transparent proxy mode' of netsed 
does, cause it should under no circumstances forward to itself...

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