There must be some trick to accessing a FreeBSD server via VNC.
I have done it on Linux but I could not get it to work in FreeBSD.
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There are no tricks? You just install VNC. Then type vncserver and you will guided to create password and given server extension. So for instance if your server name is and vnc client number 1 you will access it with vncviewer To customize your vnc experience file .vnc/xstartup must be edited. You can specify Window Manager or Desktop. Your firewall must be adjusted as well.

I am watching this thread and wondering why are we discussing Ubuntu and Linux on this forum. Don't you guys have your own forum to discuss.

PC-BSD is far easier to configure than Ubuntu. It is much more solid.We have Ubuntu as a Desktop OS at Department of Mathematics at the University or Arizona. It is full of problems and we have six very good system administrators that also run our Debian servers flawlessly. By the way Ubuntu has a problem with keyboard mapping in VNC mode. So it is useless unless you run 6.04 version or older.

This seems to me as feeding a troll. If somebody wants to use Ubuntu, OS X or Windows it is their choice but issues related to that operating systems should not be discussed hire.

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