On Saturday 01 September 2007 10:22:08 pm Michael Hauber wrote:
> Hey, all...
> I've been a user of FreeBSD and OpenBSD for quite a while now. 
> Unfortunatly, I haven't had much time to tinker lately, and that's unlikely
> to change in the near future.  Sadly, I need to get an OS that my wife
> would be more comfortable using and that wouldn't be as time-comsuming to
> make it more comfortable for her.
> I downloaded the uberyl live CD and found that ubuntu seems to pick up on
> everything I have on the laptop (as well as all the attachments), so I'm
> downloading it now.
> Because I've put so much time into getting this FreeBSD install where it is
> now (and because I favor the BSDs), I'm still a bit hesitant...  Has anyone
> here had much experience with ubunu as a desktop?  Negatives/positives?
> Kind of OT, I guess...  I'd just rather hear it from someone in this group
> rather than the inevitable, "Oh yeah.  You won't be sorry." from the ubuntu
> folk (salespitches == fingernails on a chalkboard :) ).
> Thanks,
> Mike
> PS.  Yes, I've played with PC-BSD.  Unfortunately, that's still more work
> than I have time for.

Hello :)

I used Ubuntu and Kubuntu before I installed FreeBSD.  It was pretty easy to 
use and a lot of things were made easy for clueless users like me.  I like 
FreeBSD better, but thats because it allows me to learn what is happening 
behind it all.  I think your wife will be happy with ubuntu.  Its probably 
going to be different enough to be annoying at times.  Ubuntu is the easiest 
form of Linux that I tried.  Maybe you could dual boot FreeBSD and Ubuntu?  I 
tried that once but couldn't figure out how to fix the boot loader.  I 
couldn't get back into Kubuntu, but that may be because I was triple booting 
with windows xp too. lol.  Its just an idea.  If you can figure out the 
bootloader problem then maybe you dont have to give up FreeBSD :)

Good luck!

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