Eric writes:

>  Is there a directive to add to make.conf or anywhere else to tell
>  ports what directory my webroot is? when i was running apache20,
>  things like mailgraph installed files in the proper
>  location. Recently I just updated to apache22 and now mailmail
>  still insists on creating directories under the old directory
>  layout. is this a mailgraph port problem or do I have a missing
>  directive somewhere telling ports where my document root is?

        Let me see if I understand:
        You're running apache22, with DocumentRoot and/or ServerRoot in
a non-standard location.  Because of this, a third-party application
is malfunctioning.
        You are looking for a single way for that and other
applications to tell at run-time where the new location is.
        No such critter, as far as I know.  For those applications that
accept environment variables of command-lind switches, it should be
trivial to write a wrapper script to parse httpd,conf and provide
the correct information.
        For a compile-time switch, portupgrade users can use
pkgtools.cfg; others will have to look elsewhere.

                                Robert Huff

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