Hello Derek,

I don't use hosts.allow.  I use the AllowUsers directive in the sshd.conf file to limit 
the actual username/ip combinations.  As a rule, I also close port 22 on the router.  
When I need external access (e.g. when I am travelling) I will open some other port and 
have sshd "Listen" on that port as well.  At that time, I will add an obscure 
username to AllowUsers with any ip address.  Of course, I use the custom port to login.

Prior to implementing this setup, I used to get frequent daily login attempts.  
Now I don't get any.

Thanks for your feedback.


On 12-Sep-07 9:33 AM, Derek Ragona wrote:

How are you limiting this ssh access? Are you using hosts.allow? If you are not using hosts.allow, I would suggest you do so.


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