Mel wrote:
On Friday 14 September 2007 00:16:46 Predrag Punosevac wrote:
I forgot to tell you assuming that you will do it your self
Just add
link acd0 cd0
but you have to use cd0.

This is very bad advice, please don't ever do that. acd0 and cd0 are quite different devices under the hood.

(posted for the googling masses)
I am retracting what I said big time. Mel is 1000% right. I personally needed to access my ATAPI device through SCSI so that I can burn
a DVD. My idiotic statement is wrong way to do it.

Actually I had in my devfs.conf edited as it is outlined in the section 18.6.9 of the Handbook. Since I got error for DVD burn I posted a message and somebody pointed out that since I was running generic kernel I had to add atapicam_load="YES" into my /boot/loader.conf. After that I followed the example from section 18.7.3 to burn DVD and everything worked perfectly. Letter that day I used K3b to burn a few music CDs. I was following the direction from the Handbook and from FreeBSD-Gnome documentation to do that.

I apologize to everyone for my spam mails. I will think twice before I post some stupidity again. In particularly, I apologize to the sender of original message for ill advice.

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