On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:29:30 +0200 Lotfi kecir wrote:

> to give answer to your answer: i rent a dedicated server (Fedora 6) witch
> has qmail installed on. and in my old Server witch is in our office turn has
> Postfix.
> The new sever has as Admin panel Plesk.
> I already create all email acounts and now i'm looking to transfert all my
> user acount mailboxes.

I hope (for your sake) that the rented server is not only dedicated but
also *managed*! If it isn't you will sooner or later have to leave Plesk
anyway and do the odd thing or another "on foot". It might have been a
good idea to look at what's installed on a dediserver before signing the
contract. But it isn't my job to lecture you on that.

BTW: This isn't a FreeBSD issue. You will probably have more luck finding
someone who can help you in one of the newsgroups with this subject.

> and i don't have any idea to do it.

There isn't really a routine to migrate from Postfix to qmail. This is
partly because noone usually wants to do it and partly because the whole
thing is quite complex. It would IMHO be something for an advanced user or
a sysadmin.

You could however talk to your ISP where you hired the server. They will
usually (for a price) adapt the installation for you - if this isn't a
managed server. So you could ask them to change the MTA for you. If you
have enough experience, you can also do it yourself. Just remember that
you *will* have downtime because of this.

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