In response to "dhaneshk k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi  everybody ,
>    I like to know the different backup techniques that is very cheaper (I 
> cant go for a SAN, mirror ..  even if I can purchase those,please excuse me  
> because I believe more productivity @ less resources )for my webserver, but 
> any solution logicaly the cheapest one ,by which I can restore all the data 
> that I have just before the server crash(if it occurs)
> What I followed was I configured a crontab in mydesktop PC which will run  
> rsync utility through ssh  to my webserver at 23 rd hour of  a day . so I 
> can get incremntal backup of the directories and database ( that I 
> configuerd for rsync )daily .
> But I want a solution through that I can restore my server without any data 
> lose (ex: if the server crashes at 23.30 hour  then that 30 minutes data I 
> lose ).
> So many  experts   here in this mailing lists can suggest their techniques 
> for a full system recovery(& backup solutions) after the crash without  any 
> data lose.

rsync more often.  Seriously.  If your data is that important, put it in
a loop and run it nonstop, or with a 5-minute sleep between each run.

In general, however, the requirements you seem to be asking for don't
fall under the category of "cheap".  There are some things you just can't
do cheaply, and getting up to the minute backups is one of them.

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Bill Moran
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