> You need to add the hostname dv6000 entry to hosts, or create your own zone 
> files and run bind.  As these are private IP's you need either to update 
> hosts or run DNS.  You may find it easier to give servers static private 
> IP's that way you are assured your hosts entries or DNS entries are correct.

AHA! where is my head?  All the FreeBSD machines run samba.

# nmblookup asus fueno dv6000 hp_pavillion nat-valid-name \
     | sed -e '/^query/d' -e '/name.*failed/d' -e 's/<00>//' asus fueno dv6000 hp_pavillion

and, put this in /etc/hosts, periodically.

Then, all I need to know is the names of the machines, which I can put
on one machine and copy it to others.

Any other ideas?

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