On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 04:30:54PM -0400, Lisa Casey wrote:
> The problem comes in when a customer cancels his account. We remove users 
> by rmuser username. That command removes the user from the password file, 
> removes his home directory and removes the mailspool. What it doesn't do is 
> to remove the .username.pop file associated with that mailbox. This isn't a 
> problem unless we add another account with the same username. The new 
> account cannot pop his mail because he gets the following  error messge:
> -ERR [SYS/PERM] Temporary drop /var/mail/.jjvc.pop not owned by jjvc.
> If I take a look at /var/mail/.jjvc.pop it isn't owned by anyone, the 
> ownership of the file is the group number of the original jjvc.
> -rw-rw----   1 1473             mail                     0 Sep 11 19:15 
> .jjvc.pop
> Is there anyway to have rmuser remover the mail drop file associated with 
> that account also, or am I just going to have to remove these manually?

Since rmuser is a shell-script, you could easily change it to suit your
needs. Look at the function rm_mail (lines 79-95), and change
'${login}.pop' to '.${login}.pop' in line 89,90 and line 92.

A more elegant approach would be to duplicate lines 89-93 and add the
dot before the login in the second instance, changeing " pop3" to "
qpopper" as well.

If you make this change, do not forget to re-apply it after doing a
installworld. :-)

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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