On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 03:37:11PM -0700, Bill Campbell wrote:
> There's a big difference between sophisticated typesetting programs such as
> TeX and groff, and word processors.  TeX and ?roff were designed to do
> major, professional quality, publishing projects by people who understood
> the intricacies of page design and layout.

. . . while word processors are a "least common denominator" application
designed to be everything to everyone, but ultimately end up being very
little to anyone, because they're worse than layout and typesetting
programs at producing print documents and worse than digital presentation
design and semantic formatting systems at producing "electronic" (aka
"online") documents.

Somehow, though, they've ended up being the single most commonly used
form of document generation software today.

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
Marvin Minsky: "It's just incredible that a trillion-synapse computer could
actually spend Saturday afternoon watching a football game."
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