Grant Peel wrote:
Hi all,

This is the first time in 10 years I have seen this.

I have a Dell PE750 (vintage 2004), running FreeBSD 6.2 that had been up and running for about 30 days without any issues.

The server somehow rebooted last night, apparently,  all by itself.

The last log file line I can find waqs about 12:30 AM. The dmesg shows it restarted about 1:12 AM. dmesg shows some file errors that were fixed upon reboot, other that that, everything is back up and running normally.

I was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar and if a cause was found.

Here is what I know:

-all servers (there are 5 more) are plugged into the same power bar and none of the others were affected
-none of the standard logs show any intrusion or root log in attempt,
-dmesg and console log show nothing of note,
-the DRAC logs and ESM logs show nothing,
-the sensors (temp,voltage,etc) logs currently show no issues, all well withing normal parms.
-my MRTG logs show no abnormal CPU usage or network activity.

Any help would be appreciated,


Check the capacitors on the motherboard (in particular near the memory and processor); they may be going bad (esp with that vintage. 2004 Dell was a bad year =P..). You'll be looking for swelled capacitors and possibly some orange dialectric being emitted.
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