On Wednesday 10 October 2007 05:01:50 Paul Schmehl wrote:
> Is there a way to start a process so that memory and CPU usage can be
> tracked closely enough to determine what the cause of 100% CPU use would
> be?  I've got a box, recently installed 6.2 RELEASE with xorg 7.3
> installed, and when X is started, CPU goes to 100% and stays there.
> Here's the bad machine
>  1510 pauls         1   0    0   277M  7076K rdnrel 0  13:41 100.05% Xorg

To shoot the obvious: it's not running as root here.
No idea what rdnrel is for CPU state.

ktrace(1) should show what it's doing. If that's not enough info, you could 
always attach gdb to it.

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