Am Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007 22:24:54 schrieb Bill Moran:
> In response to cpghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:44:52 +0200
> >
> > Harald Schmalzbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The first one was for example the attached code: Why does it segfault?
> >
> > Mailman ate the attachment... Can't see it here.
> I may be out of line, but I think if you're using FreeBSD as your
> learning platform, that it wouldn't be a problem to ask this list.
>> Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007 21:43:52 schrieben Sie:
> >>> Hello Aryeh,
> >>>
> >>> I'm willing to pay fair fees, but are you interested in "micro payment"
> >>> ;) ?
> >>
> >> For other reasons I love micro payments.
> >>
> >>> Serious, I'll have the one or other short question per week (I'm
> >>> usually busy, just making spare time lessons from my book (UTC-1 spare
> >>> time)).
> >>
> >> Just so I know what level to present on what is your background in CS
> >> and programming?
> >
> > CS??
> > I'm able to solve problems analytically, but I don't know any language
> > really well.
> > I know bourne shell, csh, pascal, and basic. And a tiny bit asm, but
> > that's been on ZX81.
> Although, you'll have to include your code inline to get past the
> sanitizers.

Thanks all,

here was my example, just for completeness, I found mentors for my needs.

Thanks a lot to all!

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
  short nnote;

  // Numerischen Notenwert einlesen
  printf("Bitte numerischen Schulnotenwert eingeben: ");

  switch (nnote)
    case 1: printf("Die Note %d entspricht sehr gut.",nnote);
    case 2: printf("Die Note %d entspricht gut.",nnote);
    case 3: printf("Die Note %d entspricht befriedigend.",nnote);
    case 4: printf("Die Note %d entspricht ausreichend.",nnote);
    case 5: printf("Die Note %d entspricht mangelhaft.",nnote);
    case 6: printf("Die Note %d entspricht ungenügend.",nnote);
    default: printf("%d ist keine zulässige Schulnote!");

I found that declaring nnote as int soleves my problem, but I couldnÄt 
understand why.
Another one was the result of default: nnote was -1077942208 instead of 9 for 
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