On 2007-10-25 kalin mintchev wrote:
> > On 2007-10-25 kalin mintchev wrote:
> >>
> >> hi all...
> >>
> >> i noticed that when i take my laptop to work and change the network
> >> settings in rc.conf before starting xorg after i do startx the
> >> whole xorg/gnome experience gets slowed down. first xorg takes
> >> it's time to start and then load gnome, window manager etc.
> >> and then all applications in gnome take about 30 - 60 seconds to
> >> start. when i get back home and change the rc.conf back to my home
> >> settings th xorg starts quickly and all the applications start at
> >> normal speed - 4 - 5 sec.
> >>
> > Just a wild guess but it could be a (D/DoS) worm active on that
> > network.
> it's not the network. it's the system itself...
> talking about start up times.... of xorg/gnome....   nothing to do
> with the network...
If the system is busy with storming network packets the overall
performance will decrease.

Bahman Movaqar

Strange, is it not? that of the myriads who
Before us pass'd the door of Darkness through,
Not one returns to tell us of the Road,
Which to discover we must travel too.
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