Written by Leonard Lilla on 11/08/07 10:09>>
> Wow,
>             Talk about a horrible install. Install this CD, now that now
> this now that now this now that!!! It goes on and on. Please do think about
> people that are trying your install and are less knowledgeable and install
> using your 2 cd install. It is just horrible how many times I went from CD1
> to CD2 and forth and back and back and forth. Just a killer. If I needed
> exercise I would have called my trainer.
> I hope that I will be able to say better things about the rest of the
> install or the OS. Well, I can. Install sucks. If I click on something there
> is no recourse. Just a next and no back. I did not have the right cd once
> and that port did not install, period. no retry or skip. Just done with it.
> There are simply no error handling or user fault anticipation in your
> install. Not friendly.
> Leo

I know this thread has had many responses already, but it would seem to
me that you were installing packages from the CDs. Packages are
installed in dependency order, not necessarily in alphabetical or "CD
location" order. It is apparent to me that the CD distribution design
has been done in such a way that as many of the most common packages
that can be squeezed into the first CD have been, followed by CD2, CD3,
and CD4. The more packages you want to install from CD, the more often
you will be playing disc jockey as the dependency chains weave between
discs ;) As others have said, if you want to avoid the CD changing
dilemma, it's a good idea to install software using the ports
collection, or through packages fetched over the network connection from
a distribution mirror on the web.

I've been using FreeBSD for about 8 years now, and I can give you one
piece of advice that will help you avoid massive amounts of frustration,
should you choose to stick with it: the community will not abide
complainers. This is especially true when complaints are abusive,
derogatory, or condescending in tone and even more so when such
complaints are not accompanied by solutions. The installer has been a
bikeshed for many years; everyone seems to know what color it should be,
how many windows it should have, how many doors to install, what type of
lighting it needs, how many penguins should be accommodated in the
rafters, and what relative orientation it should have to the earth's
magnetic field; yet the most vocal of these people naturally have no
contributions to make towards the installer's actual codebase.

In the grand scheme of things, you'll probably also find the attitude
towards the installer is that "it works well enough for our needs".
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