On Sunday 11 November 2007, Olivier Nicole said:
> > I am usually not the one to bring up these things but I feel very
> > strongly about this. Starting Monday, November 12 this website is
> > offering a give one get one deal. I believe the money will be
> > well invested. YMMV
> >
> > http://xogiving.org/
> That is a difficult issue, while this is an opportunity, I doubt
> this is the most needed thing to provide education. We are talking
> giving laptop to people who do not even have electricity in some
> cases...
> Olivier

From what I've been reading they are addressing this issue. One way 
was providing solar power recharging stations. The other was hooking 
up carousel type playground equipment to a small generator to 
recharge the laptops. The third was good old WWII vintage hand crank 
power. I also read that these laptops are optimized for low power 
usage. I live in Alaska and they have been using the internet  for 
education in rural villiages for many years with much success. I 
personally think this is a great idea. Too bad they won't all be 
running FreeBSD :-)

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