Two nics, same subnet..problems exist in that configuration now and again.

Im betting offhand that the traffic came in port B, but port A has the
default route for the subnet, and thats where it left the box.

On Nov 20, 2007 10:37 AM, Philip M. Gollucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Loren M. Lang wrote:
> > I was attempting to do an NFS mount from a FreeBSD server to a FreeBSD
> > client over IPv6 and received the error "NFSPROC_NULL: RPC: Timed out."
> > After doing a packet trace, I noticed that the FreeBSD server was
> > indeed responding to both a Portmap GATADDR call and a NFS NULL call,
> > but in both cases it was coming from the IPv6 address closest to the
> > client making the call and not the address the call was issued to.  Why
> > is this happening and how do I make the server respond with the correct
> > address?
> >
> > The server is FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7.
> I might be able to confirm this but not fix it.
> I had a dual nic NFS server (both nics in the same subnet and physical
> lan)
> I was issuing a mount to nic1, but nic0 was responding, so I got the NFS
> NULL call and a timeout.
> The fix was to issue it to nic0.
> (This is very likely due to my same subnet setup)
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> o:703.549.2050x206
> Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc.
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> love like you'll never get hurt,
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