On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 05:01:36PM -0800, Zachary Kline wrote:

>     I must confess I haven't.  I'll look into it and see what comes up. 
> Currently trying to figure out how to get ports upgraded in a sane fashion 
> as well, as I've noticed some of the packages are quite behind in comparison 
> to the ports they're based on.

First of all, if you look into the ports directories on the FreeBSD FTP
servers, you'll see different versions of the packages, e.g.
packages-5-stable, packages-6-stable, packages-6.2-release,
packages-7-current, etc. Depending on which version you installed,
'pkg_add -r' picks the packages from one of those directories. So if you
installed 6.2-RELEASE, you'll probably get packages from
packages-6.2-release. That packages tree is based on the ports tree at
the moment that 6.2 was released.

So the best way to keep your ports current is to build them
yourself. First, update your ports tree with portsnap (from the base
system). Then install one of the ports management tools like portmaster
or portupgrade, and use that to upgrade the ports. Do read
/usr/ports/UPDATING so that you are aware of any issues.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask on the list, but have a
look through the list archives as well, if you can access them. 

If you have trouble navigating the FreeBSD website, you should contact
the website maintainers mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good luck!

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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