Hi list,

I've got the following.

Everytime when I start /etc/rc.d/named I get the following issue.
hulk# /etc/rc.d/named start
etc/namedb/master changed
        user expected 0 found 53 modified
        gid expected 0 found 53 modified
Starting named.

If I leave it like this I get the following in /var/log/messages
Dec  3 19:10:57 hulk named[854]: dumping master file:
master/tmp-giHHnonSuW: open: permi
ssion denied
Dec  3 19:21:12 hulk named[854]: dumping master file:
master/tmp-MnAidukvm5: open: permi
ssion denied
Dec  3 19:25:48 hulk named[854]: dumping master file:
master/tmp-sCNwwiScbK: open: permi
ssion denied

This is solved if I do the following:
hulk# chown bind:bind /etc/named/master

However when I restart the service the problem re-appears.

In /etc/rc.conf I got the following.
hulk# cat /etc/rc.conf | grep named

I find it weird that named resets the ownership of the master directory as
named is running under uid bind and would require ownership or permissions
to dump, change any of the files.


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