On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 03:23:52PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 04:05:23PM -0700, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> >>Gary Kline wrote:
> >>>   Update:
> >>>
> >>>   Well, totem chokes when trying to play a DVD,
> >>Totem is not good DVD player and that has to do nothing with the 
> >>FreeBSD, OpenBSD or whatever Linux you want to use. You may read
> >>here why is so difficult to use DVDs 
> >>http://www.dvddemystified.com/dvdfaq.html
> >
> >     I will see why totem just-works {TM} with Ubuntu.  While here it
> >     is missing plugin, etc......
> >>Ogle is by far the best DVD player but VLC and MPlayer are able to play 
> >>stunning number of different proprietary and non-proprietary video and 
> >>audio formats.
> I know that comment about ogle certainly used to be correct. but I think 
> that may possibly be dated information.  My FreeBSD machine is pretty 
> new, squeaky-clean, and all of the following dvd players (ones which I 
> have tried so far, doesn't mean they're the only ones either) work just 
> great: vlc, xine, ogle.  Even though kmplayer works, I found it's 
> interface (which uses mplayer and xine as backends) ssmed a little clunky.

        ogle fails due to some permissions problem:

ERROR[ogle_nav]: faild to open/read the DVD
DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set
p3 15:23 <tao2> [1683]                     

        With kmplayer, altho it works with virtually everything,
        it is a bi t"clunky".  Also, it will not show the menu part 
        of my DVD.  So far, vlc wins (in my lineup).  But it's not
        intuitive at  all.  A cheet-sheet of the 50 top places to click
        would be a plus.  
> Anyhow, it might be time for taking another looksee.  All 3 of those 
> )vlc, ogle, xine) were really sharp and easy to use, good 5.1 audio 
> using my optically connected sound system.
> >

        It may be my last contribution befoore I cash out, but I *will*
        do a thorough, reable piece on gtting k3b to work.  ...Hopefuully!


> >

  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
      http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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