Erich Dollansky wrote:

But new sites have new stuff I would like to be filtered out. To make these experiences as rare as possible, I collect from friends and the Internet hosts files to filter as much as possible.

This resulted in a pretty large file meanwhile.

But the Internet looks much more usable for me now.

Assuming I've understood your initial post correctly, then I do the same, redirecting some dozen ad sites to a local web server. With a dozen or so aliases I've never noticed any difference in performance, but I suspect you have rather more than that :-) I could never quite be bothered to maintain the list once I'd filtered ads from the sites I use most often.

I think the answer to your original question is going to be "look at the source code". If your hosts file is really that large then I suspect it will be having a performance effect and only you can judge if it's significant or not. Large hosts files are not the future, so performance improvements in the future are unlikely, I would say.

I'm pretty sure you could also do the same with a local DNS server, if you wanted to "abuse" it in this way, and that would *probably* be faster since the code would expect to deal with large lists of hosts. Been a while since I did anything like that, though, and never on the scale you seem to be describing.

There's no clean solutions to getting different lookups per-user that I am aware of, but unless your host is also performing some service that involves a lot of name resolution then why care? (And if it is, you shouldn't be using it as a general web browser :-))

Unclean solutions might include something like making the hosts file point to some automounted directory which changed per user, but you'd have to be sure that you saw a valid hosts file at boot time. Fiddling with symlinks in rc scripts could do that, I'm sure.


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