On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 13:24:10 -0800 (PST)
Bsd Neophyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'm following the, "How to setup and secure Snort, MySQL and Acid on
> FreeBSD 4.6 Release" off of the snort.org website. 
> in the documentation it says snort should be installed through the
> following: 
> ----- 
> make -DWITH_MYSQL -DWITH_FLEXRESP ; make install 
> ----- 
> later it says to do the following: 
> ----- 
> /usr/local/bin/mysql -p <
> /usr/ports/security/snort/work/snort-1.8.6/control create_mysql snort 
> ----- 
> the problem is this, there is no "work/snort-1.8.6/create_mysql snort"
> under "/usr/ports/security/snort". 
> i've also tried locating the file by using find, but it doesn't seem to
> exist.
> does anyone know what to do about this?

cd /usr/ports/security/snort
make extract

This will create the work directory for you below the 
/usr/ports/security/snort dir.


Stephen Hilton

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