I have the book and am reading it. It suits me, in that docs and
man pages can be intimidating and hard to translate into some
thing useful (for me). The one thing about books like this is
that there are a lot more in the way of theory and tutorial
practice. I could not expect anyone to give me specific
instruction on the situations I encounter and have to engineer
my way through, but analogous tutorial, or at least vaguely
comparable descriptions can prime the inductive and deductive
logic process. I work alone, as a hobbyist and spend a god awful
lot on fat paperbacks. The investment is worth it to me. And
the Lucas books hit the spot. I am reading about NanoBSD.
That is the first time I heard of it.  I started with FreeBSD 6.0
and the books up to that point, including the first Absolute
BSD only covered 5x, so I am anxious to get up to current
status. True, as some of the responses to this subject have
said, at some point you  would or should grow beyond needing
to have books at hand. But with webmastering, hostmastering,
learning shells, postmastering, general system admin, programming,
 there is A LOT  of ground to cover. To cover it all fast enough and
be good enough not to need a book occasionally, I think is a little in
the realm of delusion.
My two cents

Jeff K

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