V.I.Victor schrieb:
Because of "/var" size considerations, I'd like to use a symlinked
"/usr" directory for email instead of "/var/mail".

Based on today's research, I think the following will work.

With mail delivery off, I 'su' and:

  mkdir  /usr/var.mail
  cd  /var
  cp  -p  mail/*  /usr/var.mail/
  mv  mail  mail.bak
  ln  -s  /usr/var.mail  mail

Since 'ls -l /var' shows:

  drwxrwxrwt  2 root mail  512 Dec 14 14:24 mail

I should then:

  cd  /usr
  chmod  1777  var.mail
  chown  root:mail  var.mail

No changes are made to the "/var/mail" symlink.

Then, if everything works, I just delete "/usr/mail.bak".

Does this seem OK?

Sorry to bother everyone with what's probably a trivial question, but
I *really* want to avoid screwing-up.  The machine is remote; accessed
via ssh.


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Sounds reasonable to me.
I'd just check afterwards if the permissions are like you want them to be, i.e. as they have been before...

And you might send one or another testmail to the an account on the system to see if everything works as before, before you delete the mail.mak directory...

Rg, Tino
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