> Well, I was only giving my personal opinion.  I've never used irb, but
> it seems to me that using any sort of OO tool as a shell would be "cruel
> and unusual", but I guess it takes all kinds, and I certainly wouldn't
> prevent you from enjoying yourself, same as I'd expect from you to mine.

The "OO" nature of it really really does not come into play here as far as I 
can tell. Whatever you can imagine with perl/python/your-favorite-language is 
very likely as much possible, if not more so, with Ruby.

Certainly if writing something elaborate it comes into play, but then we are 
away from the shell aspect of the discussion.


   system "myfile"

does not become any more obnoxious just because "myfile" happens to be an 
object in a well-defined class-based object system. Nor does the function 

   def myfun(param)

Become obnoxious just because Ruby happens to be OO, for some definition of 

My main concern is syntax. I would love to have a shell based on Ruby, Lisp, 
or some other powerful language (anything that at least allows functions to 
return values other than status codes... please). But I have yet to find one 
that makes it maximally simple and efficient to do the common stuff that you 
use interactively - which is to run external processes.

scsh (Scheme Shell) comes pretty close; I have no objection to using it for 
shell *scripting*. Neither might Ruby be an issue with sufficient API 

But I am not sure about using it interactively. When interactive, you don't 
want to type even a single annoying character more than you have to. Or at 
least I don't.

That said, scsh might be possible to tweak sufficiently. It actually manages 
to combine the power of Lisp with the convenience of shell scripting pretty 
well (as always, by using macros). So you have pretty low-overhead syntax 
like. For example, instead of:

   more myfile

You have:

   (run (more myfile))

If you imagine an interactive mode where a top-level (run (...)) would be 
implied (under certain circumstances), you could make that be exactly 
equivalent to the normal shell version:

   more myfile

This is true even with parameters; the macros are such that you need not 
explicitly make them strings (so "(run (ls -l /))" is valid for example).

I especially like the integration as soon as you want to do something slightly 
intelligent. E.g.:

   (run/strings (mystuff --list-something /path/to/db))

Yields an actual list of strings (one per line) that you can touch, pet and 
otherwise have your way with even if you want to do something other than 
piping it to the next process.

Not to mention having higher order functions at your fingertips...

In short, I would just love to have a single language for both tasks, not 
having to "switch" from one to the other after some threshold of script 
complexity. Unfortunately scsh has some issues (e.g., freebsd port is marked 
as broken om amd64 right now), so I dunno about counting on it being 
available everywhere.

/ Peter Schuller

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